What is the training format?
The format of Hakomi Professional Training varies throughout the world. In Australia, the current format is a three-year training, consisting of nine modules of nine days each (three modules per year).
In between modules, students are expected to meet at least once a month in study groups, where they hone the skills covered in each module.
For more details about the dates for a particular training, please contact Hakomi Australia.
What qualification is conferred by the training?
On graduating, students are qualified to call themselves ‘Graduates of the Hakomi Training’ or ‘Advanced Students of the Hakomi Method’.
Some graduates choose to go on and secure the professional qualification ‘Certified Hakomi Therapist’, which is competency-based.
Who are the teachers?
Hakomi is taught internationally under the auspices of the Hakomi Institute. Each training is led by a team of Certified Hakomi Trainers, who have had extensive experience in Hakomi theory and application.
Each team rotates teaching responsibilities and may be assisted by Hakomi Teachers, Certified Hakomi Therapists and graduates from previous trainings who assist as tutors.
Teaching staff are divided into regional teaching teams. In Australia and New Zealand, Hakomi is taught by members of the South Pacific Teaching Team.
What teaching methods are used?
To provide for a complete learning experience, the Hakomi Training employs a variety of teaching methods, including experiential exercises, lectures, live demonstrations, discussion, small group and individual supervision, video taped review of sessions and student study groups.
What are the entry requirements?
In order for us (and for you) to determine if the Hakomi Training is appropriate for you, participation in at least two Hakomi workshops is a prerequisite for application to the training. Workshops are scheduled regularly in most main centres in Australia.
Hakomi is a subtle and sophisticated therapy. The intention of the training is to teach Hakomi, and not psychotherapy as a whole. The training is intended to build on and expand existing skills.
Trainees are therefore expected to have, as a minimum, some background in psychology, basic counselling, body work or allied health practitioner skills, or one-to-one communication skills and to have had personal therapy experience.
Who can benefit from Hakomi training?
Many experience the Hakomi Training as the next step in their professional and personal development. Practising therapists, social workers, and health care professionals find a new range of skills and strategies which increase both effectiveness and depth in their work with clients. Counsellors at all levels find their effectiveness and rapport with their clients increased.
How do I find out more?
To find out more about the next Hakomi Professional Training in your area, please contact Hakomi Institute Australia.